Yuanda Shuyang Participated in the 2022 Academic Annual Conference of the Renal Transplantation Branch of CPAM on the theme of "Inquiring Strategies in the Land of Abundance, Making Kidney Plans for a Long Future"

2022-07-23 16:56

Organized by the China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care (CPAM) and the Renal Transplantation Branch of CPAM, and hosted by West China Hospital of Sichuan University, the 2022 Academic Annual Conference of Renal Transplantation Branch of CPAM and the 6th Huaxia Renal Transplantation Forum were held on July 15-17, 2022 in Chengdu City. There were more than 5,000 participants in this conference offline and online. Yuanda Shuyang Pharmaceutical participated in this conference.




On behalf of the organizer, Prof. Wu Hong, Vice Director of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, warmly welcomed the guests and pointed out that West China Hospital has become the training base for organ transplantation physicians in China this year; the academic annual conference of the Renal Transplantation Branch of CPAM has witnessed the remarkable achievements of the renal transplantation cause, which is even more fiery and flower-filled. Prof. Tian Puxun, the chairman of the Committee, summarized the two-year work of implementing the "Notice on the Special Rectification of Human Organ Donation and Transplantation" of the National Health Commission. Prof. Tian also proposed that the work should be carried out in accordance with the law and regulations, and that we should explore the innovation and model of organ donation mechanism, as well as the quality improvement of the scientific registration system of renal transplantation, so as to improve the quality of donation and transplantation. Prof. Tian actively encouraged multidisciplinary cross-fertilization and multi-center clinical or clinical basic research to better benefit the majority of patients with end-stage renal disease, play a facilitating role for the development of other organ transplantation, and make due contributions to a healthy China.

Prof. Tang Xiaoda, an expert in urology and the founder of kidney transplantation in West China Hospital of Sichuan University, suggested to the audience via a video link that, looking forward to the future, xenotransplantation will bring a ray of hope for solving the problem of organ shortage, but there are still many difficulties to be solved and overcome, and there is still a long way to go for clinical application. Prof. Tang hoped that under the leadership of the Society, more international first-class transplant centers will emerge, a large number of high-end talents will be trained, and China's organ transplantation cause will be led to spread its wings and soar. Prof. Xue Wujun, Chairman-designate of the Organ Transplantation Branch of the Chinese Medical Association (CMA), said in his speech that the Renal Transplantation Branch has been implementing the development strategy of "famous experts, famous awards and famous associations" of the Association; it is the forerunner, leader and exemplar of organ transplantation in China, and it is leading China's organ transplantation to reform, forge ahead and develop innovatively. The focus of China's organ transplantation lies in the construction of organ transplantation system, the core of which is the disciplinary construction of OPO.

On July 15, 2022, Yuanda Shuyang held an expert consultant meeting on anti-HBV infection in kidney transplantation in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, with the theme of "Thinking, Researching, Discussing and Walking Together on the Road of Transplantation". A number of renal transplantation academic leaders, including Prof. Xue Wujun, Chairman-designate of the Organ Transplantation Branch of CMA, and Prof. Chen Zhishui, Vice Chairman of Organ Transplantation Branch of CMA, attended the meeting to discuss renal transplantation and HBV reactivation, prevention strategy of renal transplantation against HBV infection, and the future development of medical research, so as to work together for the benefit of more patients.



At the beginning of the meeting, Prof. Xue Wujun and Prof. Chen Zhishui, the Chairmen of the conference, firstly affirmed the contribution of Yuanda Shuyang to the field of organ transplantation over the years, and stated that the risk of HBV infection also requires attention the kidney transplantation field, which is of clinical significance.

Mr. Feng Zenghui, Chairman of Yuanda Shuyang, introduced the current situation and future development plan of Grand Life Science Group, and said that Yuanda Shuyang will continue to work hand in hand with transplantation experts.


Mr. Fan Ping from the Department of Medical Affairs of Yuanda Shuyang firstly shared the application of HBIg in organ transplantation, starting from the history and mechanism of action of HBIg, and comprehensively introduced the latest research progress of HBIg in liver transplantation and extrahepatic organ transplantation.


Prof. Wang Xianding from West China Hospital of Sichuan University shared the prevention strategies of HBV infection in renal transplantation, including renal transplantation and HBV reactivation, prevention strategies of HBV infection in renal transplantation, and experience sharing and exploration of prevention strategies in West China Hospital.


At the end of the meeting, Yuanda Shuyang launched the "Kidney Transplantation Icebreaker Action" program to collect cases of HBlg clinical application in kidney transplantation, accumulate experience in HBlg medication, and lay the foundation for standardized evidence-based medical research in the field of renal transplantation and construction of evidence-based evidence chain of HBIG in the future.
